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October 17, 2024

Portfolio Project


Create a professional portfolio website to showcase your skills and experiences. The portfolio should include:


Steps to Complete the Project:

  1. Plan: Outline the content and layout of your portfolio.

  2. Build: Develop the website structure, design, and add content.

  3. Host: Set up a GitHub Pages site (or an alternative of your choice) to host your portfolio.

  4. Review: Get feedback from peers and your instructor.

  5. Submit: Share the live link of your website (and GitHub repository if applicable).

Project Timeline:

Due Date Milestone Details
Oct 21 Project Introduction Overview of the project. Discuss portfolio examples and tools like GitHub Pages.
Oct 25 Initial Draft (Outline) Submit an outline of what will be included on each page (bio, resume, etc.).
Nov 1 Portfolio Layout Develop a wireframe or rough layout for the site structure (can be done on paper or digitally).
Nov 8 Basic Site Setup Create the site with basic HTML structure. Start building out the pages.
Nov 15 Content Addition Add bio, resume, contact information, and work sample.
Nov 21 Site Review Peer and instructor feedback on design and content.
Dec 6 Hosting Set up GitHub Pages (or alternative of your choice) for hosting your the portfolio.
Dec 13 Final Touches Final design tweaks, ensuring responsiveness, and preparing for submission.
Dec 16 Portfolio Submission Submit the final portfolio website link and project files by Dec 16.  
