October 17, 2024
Portfolio Project
Create a professional portfolio website to showcase your skills and experiences. The portfolio should include:
- Short bio: A brief introduction about yourself (1-2 paragraphs).
- Resume: A downloadable or embedded PDF of your updated resume.
- Contact Information: Email, phone number (optional), or a contact form.
- Work Sample: At least one work sample (project, code repository, design, etc.) relevant to your practicum or personal development in tech.
- Recommended but not required: Use GitHub Pages for free website hosting.
- The website should be clean, easy to navigate, and responsive.
- You may use tools such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, or website builders (e.g., Wix, WordPress, etc.).
- Ensure that the work sample is well-explained (e.g., project description, technologies used, your role).
Steps to Complete the Project:
Plan: Outline the content and layout of your portfolio.
Build: Develop the website structure, design, and add content.
Host: Set up a GitHub Pages site (or an alternative of your choice) to host your portfolio.
Review: Get feedback from peers and your instructor.
Submit: Share the live link of your website (and GitHub repository if applicable).
Project Timeline:
Due Date | Milestone | Details |
Oct 21 | Project Introduction Overview of the project. | Discuss portfolio examples and tools like GitHub Pages. |
Oct 25 | Initial Draft (Outline) | Submit an outline of what will be included on each page (bio, resume, etc.). |
Nov 1 | Portfolio Layout | Develop a wireframe or rough layout for the site structure (can be done on paper or digitally). |
Nov 8 | Basic Site Setup | Create the site with basic HTML structure. Start building out the pages. |
Nov 15 | Content Addition | Add bio, resume, contact information, and work sample. |
Nov 21 | Site Review | Peer and instructor feedback on design and content. |
Dec 6 | Hosting | Set up GitHub Pages (or alternative of your choice) for hosting your the portfolio. |
Dec 13 | Final Touches | Final design tweaks, ensuring responsiveness, and preparing for submission. |
Dec 16 | Portfolio Submission Submit the final portfolio website link and project files by Dec 16. |